Born in Japan

I was born and raised in Kawasaki city, Kanagawa prefecture in Japan.


In My Youth

I spend time playing game with friends, playing the piano, and swimming in my youth. I joined the wind orchestra club and played percussion in junior high and high school. When I was in second and third grade in high school, I was the orchestra leader and conducted a regular concert and a competition.


Enter University

I entered a private university in Shinjuku-ku Tokyo and joined the faculty of science and engineering. I encountered lovely friends and so many delicious ramens while in university.


Graduate from University

I researched robot control using deep learning in the Laboratory of Professor Ogata and graduated from university. I compared the generalization ability of several trained models which vary in the combination of input and output data.

Enter Graduate University

I entered graduate school and continued researching deep learning.


Study Abroad in Germany for Three Months

I joined a short-term study abroad program and studied abroad at the Technical University of Munich for three months. I researched object detection with a camera attached to a prosthetic arm.


Finish Graduate University

I graduated from grad university and received a master's degree. I proposed a training method for training robot task motion and motor babbling motion, which is generated by performing random commands, at once. You can read the journal based on this research on this site.

Enter a Company

I joined a manufacturing company as a system engineer.


Move to Fukuoka

I moved to Fukuoka due to the company's circumstances. I had experienced the maintenance of the SCM system for semiconductors.

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Job Change

I decided to change my job and started to work in a System Integrator company. I moved back to Tokyo since the work location is there.